Kernel for EDB to PST
Kernel EDB to PST converter is the perfect tool for migration of Exchange files to Outlook, Office 365 and Live Exchange.
- Quality rich and error-free conversion of EDB to PST
- View Source and destination changes at the same time in a single console
- EDB to PST converter export the files to Live Exchange, MS Outlook and Office 365
- Convert Large EDB file and Split PST to make usable for Outlook
- Smart filters for selective EDB file migration
- Simple drag and drop option of files from source to destination
- Flexibility to Archive EDB Mailboxes
- Remove Attachments from emails and save at desired location
Features of Kernel EDB to PST Converter
It meets all the user expectations and is a great help to Exchange Administrators. EDB to PST tool from Kernel Software recovers the EDB file, repairs damage EDB file and export it to several PST file or directly into email servers. The EDB to PST converter is reliable and provide flexibility to save EDB data in PST/ MSG/ RTF/ HTML/ TXT and EML format.
Migrate Entire Exchange Mailbox
The EDB to PST Converter migrates the entire Exchange Server mailbox contents, emails, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, journals to Outlook personal folders. Select the mailbox and then files in it and export them without any issues. The EDB converter removes all the errors and creates an error-free PST file.
Search the EDB file for Migration
Exchange Administrators deals with thousands of EDB files at once, To remember the path of every EDB file is complex hence the software has a search feature. It enables the user to look for particular EDB file as per their account and the tool list the available EDB files. Select the files and begin the process.
Split Large Size PST
After converting the EDB file, the software creates a new UNICODE PST file. The format of PST is UNICODE so that it can be used with any version of PST. If the size of PST is large, user can specify the PST size to split it. The EDB to PST converter will split the created PST file and make it usable for Outlook.
Create Attachment Folder
The Kernel for Exchange Server software let the user separate the attachments and save them to a new folder. The EDB to PST tool extract only the email attachments from all the messages and then saved them at the desired destination folder.
Preview Files and Selective EDB Conversion
The EDB to PST converter list the mailbox files in the software console from where user can select which files to convert and which not. Select the date range filter to export files with-in a specified time range, or select item type filter to export only one type of items like only emails or only tasks or contacts only.
Export EDB files to Live Exchange or Office 365
The software gives you the option to save EDB files in various formats like PST/ EML/ MSG/ RTF/ TXT or PDF. The software also enables the user to save the Exchange Database Files (EDB) to Live Exchange/ Office 365 mailbox by providing username and password.
Kernel for Exchange Server Demo Version
Download the trial version of Kernel for Exchange Server Recovery software and save 25 items per folder for free, Drop us a message to download the free demo version.
- Multiple Systems
- Lifetime Validity
- Use Code FRT10 for 10% Off
- Offline EDB to PST
- Live Exchange to PST
- Live Exchange to Office 365
- Live Exchange to Live Exchnage Migrations
- Office 365 to Live Exchange
- Office 365 to Office 365
- Archived Mailbox to PST/ Live Exchange Server
- For AMC Service Provider
- Lifetime Validity
- Use Code FRT10 for 10% Off
- Offline EDB to PST
- Live Exchange to PST
- Live Exchange to Office 365
- Live Exchange to Live Exchnage Migrations
- Office 365 to Live Exchange
- Office 365 to Office 365
- Archived Mailbox to PST/ Live Exchange Server
Frequently Asked Questions
Based on user query we have sorted out common question asked while using Kernel EDB to PST Tool
How the EDB to PST Tool split PST file?
The EDB to PST converter gives option to user to specify the file size after which PST is to be converted, when the software reaches to that file size it gets split and items are exported to new PST.
I just want only few items from Exchange Server mailbox, it is possible?
Yes, Kernel for EDB to PST converter has a selective recovery option, you can select the items from the preview window and export them to PST. Items selected by you will be copied to PST. It also makes the conversion process faster.
How can I export public folders to Outlook PST?
Simply select the files from public folders from preview pane and click on next, select the save as option as PST and your Public folders data will be exported to PST format.
Do I need to configure settings every time I export EDB to PST?
No, The converter asks to set the files only once. If you are using same settings for multiple EDB file migration then click on ‘Save Settings Button’ and save them.
How Generate Reports come in use?
Generate Reports option save the complete process from start to finish. The generated report saves the items copied from source to target folder. The report can be saved in HTML format to open in browser.