Resolve Exchange Server Error Message 451, 452 and 471

Exchange Server Error messages are displayed whenever there is a problem with the Database or EDB files. Well, there is not a specific reason for Exchange Server Error messages i.e. 451, 452, and 471, various parameters and values directly to a particular error, like space not available, EDB files are corrupt, database consistency and integrity and other details.

These error messages denote different causes and abrupt the functioning of Outlook like emails not received through Outlook. So, check out the causes, description, and how to resolve Exchange server error 451, 452 and 471.

Exchange Server Error 451

When a user sends a message it goes to the receiver’s Edge Transport Server, so if the message is unable to receive by the server due to the unreachable mail server, DNS error shows the error code 451. It the mail limits exceeded then the Exchange server also shows a 451 error.

Causes of Exchange Server 451 error code

  • Sending too many messages in a short span of time
  • Increasing the number of connections allowable to the email account
  • Improper configuration of MX Records results in Temporary Server Error

How to Resolve Error 451

  • Send mails in a proper order to maintain the rate at which numbers of emails are sent on the basis of time.
  • An easy fix is to enhance the ‘smtp_accept_max_per_host’ configuration limit
  • Limit the number of emails to be sent by the user
  • Make sure that the primary mail server priority is set to 0.

Exchange Server Error 452

The Exchange server database consists of server data files, these files include EDB files, Log files, and STM files. Well, if there is any case of data loss, then the database automatically recovers the lost files. When performing the data recovery if the log files are not available in the temporary folder then it shows the error message 452.

Log files contain the information of all the actions performed and looking to these files the actions can be a rollback to restore database.

Causes of Exchange Server 452 Error

  • When log files are damaged due to hardware failure
  • When the database is recovered by performing hard recovery using Eseutil/p command than it generates the error.

Steps to Fix Exchange Server Error 452

  • Check the log files are deleted or moved from their designated folder. If moved, find the files and copy them to the assigned folder
  • Once the log files are found run the command Eseutil/cc or Eseutil/cc/t then mount the Exchange database.
  • If you have a recent backup then restore the database and run Isinteg-fix.

Exchange Server Error 471

Checking the organizational requirements, the Database Administrators define a storage space for the database and set the anti-spam rules as per the organization. When the Exchange Server rollback operation issues on a database they cannot get future updates. This leads to an exchange server error 471.

Conditions that cause Exchange Server 471 Error

  • Lack of Space
  • Disk I/O error
  • Anti-spam settings are not properly set

Fix Exchange Server 471 Error code by following methods

  • Run the command- chkdsk/f/r
  • Disable the outgoing anti-spam folder.

However, If you are not able to resolve the Exchange Server error message then use the Exchange Recovery Software. Professionally designed to resolve all Exchange server problems, this software scans all the files and repair them with its smart algorithm. As all the files get recovered, there is no place left for error. The Exchange Database Recovery software supports Online conversion, Offline conversion, and selective conversion. Easy to use and compatible with major Exchange server versions makes it preferable. Check all the details and Download Exchange Server Recovery Software. 

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